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Friday, 28 August 2015
Friday, 21 August 2015
Monday, 17 August 2015
Friday, 14 August 2015
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Deep Blue (The biggest shark ever filmed) second partAnother DEEP BLUE VIDEO!!!!(Please read below about our fundraising campaign)Otro video de DEEP BLUE!!!!(Por favor lean el enlace de abajo acerca de nuestro proyecto)
Posted by Mauricio Hoyos Padilla on Monday, August 10, 2015
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Friday, 7 August 2015
Open Source Example Apps
Open Source Example Apps
These example apps demonstrate some core concepts and common uses of Firebase.
Name | Description |
Office Mover | An open source, cross-platform collaborative application built on Firebase. It lets users layout office furniture with a realtime drag-and-drop interface on Web, iOS, and Android. |
Firefeed | An open source Twitter-like app built with Firebase. |
Firepad | An open source collaborative text editor. |
Firechat | Open source, realtime chat powered by Firebase. |
Drawing | Demo of how easy it is to build collaborative apps with Firebase. This example showcases just how fast Firebase is. Pull it up on another computer or in a different browser and watch Firebase sync your pixel drawing in real-time through our cloud servers. |
Chat | The "Hello World" example of real-time technology is chat, and since we used to be a chat company, we don't want to break tradition. See the link to see ours in 14 lines of JavaScript. This example shows you how to do the basics: write data into Firebase and read it when it changes. |
Presence | To create a collaborative experience, it helps to know who's online so you can collaborate with them. With Firebase, this can be done in just a few lines of code. This example shows you how to store and remove data so that it can be used to indicate when you are online. Read more on presence. |
Tetris | Yes, Tetris. We built a full blown version of two-player Tetris using only Firebase. Send your URL to another person and fight to the death! Clearing multiple rows on your board will push them onto your opponent's board. Test your Tetris skills! This example illustrates that more complex games can be built with Firebase, without writing any server code. Now go build your own! |
Leaderboard | Firebase can be used to easily build multiplayer games! (See Tetris) One way to make games more fun is to keep track of scores for bragging rights. This example shows you how to limit data and sort it in Firebase. |
SF Vehicles | A realtime map of all buses in San Francisco showcasing how to do geospatial queries using the GeoFire library. |
Security & Authentication Examples
These code examples demonstrate common security and authentication features in Firebase.
Name | Description |
Throttling messages by user id | Ensure at least X seconds between messages to throttle activity by user |
User authentication | An example of implementing user authentication with Firebase |
User-based security | An example of using Security and Firebase Rules to define user access in a chat room |
Advanced Security and Firebase Rules | An example of complex Security and Firebase Rules for an anonymous chat application |
Creating test Firebase tokens | Create Firebase tokens for use in testing or REST URLs |
Incremental ID | An example of using Security and Firebase Rules to increment an ID |
Data Structure Examples
These code examples will help you understand best practices for structuring your data in the Firebase database.
Name | Description |
Indexing data | Using indexes to structure data in Firebase |
Editable nested data | How to allow nested child data to be edited |
Managing ordered data | An example of storing and updating ordered data in Firebase |
Other Feature Examples
These code examples show other features you might want to add to your Firebase app, like pagination or a timer.
Name | Description |
Pagination | A simple paginator example that works without priorities |
Promise contracts with jQuery.Deferred | A promise wrapper for Firebase using jQuery.Deferred |
Synchronized timer | Create a synchronized timer shared across multiple clients |
Simple Example Javascript Scripts
by Stephen Wilson, Professor, Conceptual Design, SFSU
These are example scripts with short explanations drawn from the unpublished book "Quick and Easy Guide to Javascript" by Stephen WilsonGenerate Alert Box if user tries to change text in text input field
Show the date and time when the page loads
In this example the event handler onLoad is embedded within the tag. OnLoad activates whenever a new page has finished downloading. This alert code tells the browser to create an alert box containing the value of the variable "today". Thus, it automatically prints out the date and time when the page has finished loading and requires no special action by the user.Animate the background color of a document
Notice that the script is not just a series of document.bgColor = commands. You could write that script but the colors would change so quickly that you would not see the animated effect. We need to introduce a delay between each background color change. Javascript offers a setTimeout() method that allows creation of delays as well as serving other functions.The setTimeout() method requires two elements to be enclosed in its parentheses. The first element is an expression to be evaluated or acted upon. The second element is the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) to be waited before the first action is undertaken.
setTimeout(expression to be evaluated, milliseconds)
User assignment of a property and dynamic generation of a Web page
In the example, which illustrates user assigned properties, a new property is defined for the document object called firstline. Anytime Javascript encounters the expression document.firstline it will produce the assigned text. The fact that I named it "firstline" carries no special meaning to Javascript; that is, it does not know that it is to be the first line in the document. Generally, it is a good idea to name the properties with a name related to your intended use.
The rest of the example shows how the write() method can be used to generate text that appears on a web page. prepares for creating a page. The second open() forces it to appear.
Sample Script to Animate Text in Text Field
This script will set up a form that asks for user input. It will animate text in boxes that surround it to urge the user to provide the information. To accomplish this, we must first use standard HTML form tags to create the input fields for user typing. We must also create text fields that we will use to create the animation.For the sake of illustrating methods of using Javascript to refer to different forms that appear on a page, the examples presents the information in 3 forms. It could have also been combined into one form. It places the fields for user input in the middle form called f2 and the fields that will animated text placed into them into fields f1 on top and f3 on the bottom. Also it places the input elements in form f1 and f3 into tables in order to gain more control over their placement. f1,f2, and f3 are just arbitrary names given to the fields. In this example "Answer Soon" text appears and disappears, moving around the fields from left to right on the top and then from left to right on the bottom.
All the code to establish fields and tables should be famiilar to readers with HTML experience. The new part is the code enclosed in the SCRIPT tags. The heart of these commands are expressions that assign values to particular fields. For example the code line document.f1.ta1.value = 'Answer Soon' tells the browser to find the document object (the Web page) and then the form that is a subelement of it called f1 (the first one on top) and then the subelement of that form called ta.1 (the first text entry field). Once that element is targeted, the script tells the browser to change the value property of that text field by assigning it the text "Answer Soon". The Value attribute in standard HTML markup is the text that a field contains (usually because a user has typed it there.). Javascript has extended this allow the script to type values. To the user the text appears as in an animation. After text appears the sample script makes it disappear by assinging the blank value "" to the same text field.
Sample Script to Customize Links Based on User Button Choices
This sample script demonstrates how to create a script that lets a user chose a category of infomation after which it dynamically generates an html page containing links relevant to that interest. It uses a simple form with radio buttons to determine interest. Just to add interest it also asks the users to type their name. Once the users are done chosing, they click on the submit button and the script generates the html document using their name. For the sake of clarity this example is very short with only one choice requested. The same principles, however, could be applied to more sophisticated sets ofchoices.There are three major parts to this Web page and script: A. Javascript script cotaining the database of links for each kind of music, the function to create a unique page based on their choice, and the function to create a new Netscape window to show the page. B. HTML code to create the informationrequest page cotaining an input form. C. Javascript code to set up default values.
Using string properties to set characteristics of text on a page
Several properties control the appearance of text on the page. Note, however, that they cannot control the appearance of text after the page is rendered. The document must be rewritten for the new characteristics to become visible. This example generates a series of lines, each with a different style,color, or size of text.Using Substrings to Generate Scrolling Banners
This example uses the subString method to create a scrolling banner in a text field and on the status line of the window. Scrolling text seems to slide from left to right. You can create this effect by systematically displaying a changing section of some target text. For example, if you display character 0 to 24 of some text and next display 1 to 25 and next 2 to 26, the text will appear to be moving from right to left. The sample illustrates a method for accomplishing this effect.Why Study JavaScript? JavaScript is one of the 3 languages all web developers must learn: 1. HTML to define the content of web pages
Why Study JavaScript? JavaScript is one of the 3 languages all web developers must learn: 1. HTML to define the content of web pages
— Muneer Hussain (@muneersial) August 7, 2015
from Twitter
August 07, 2015 at 07:33AM
RT @DemiFantasia: US Lovatics! You can get the Remixes of Cool for the Summer NOW! ➡ #MTVHottest Demi Lovato
US Lovatics! You can get the Remixes of Cool for the Summer NOW! ➡ #MTVHottest Demi Lovato
— Demi Lovato News (@DemiFantasia) August 7, 2015
from Twitter
August 07, 2015 at 07:31AM
How To Make Money With ClickBank Without Website
Javascript Interview Questions With richer experiences on the web becoming the norm, Javascript has become something that every web developer absolutely must know because it plays a huge part in improving the web experience. In this section, we present some commonly asked Javascript interview questions. In any interview scenario, you could be asked both conceptual Javascript questions and also to produce some working Javascript code that performs a specific task. In this section, we present the questions in order of difficulty so that they can be read as a tutorial. Javascript is commonly known to run on the browser-side, but now is even being used to write server side applications. And now that JQuery (a Javascript library) has become very popular, programming in Javascript has become somewhat easier for newbies. But we still highly recommend that you know core Javascript because it will dramatically improve your ability to code complex Javascript.

via Facebook
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Download Auto Traffic Grabber Software Free
Download Auto Traffic Grabber Software Free
Get Auto Traffic Grabber Free . Please open read me file and you can see video link how to use this sofrware . This software, which is just now being made available to the public, has been used secretly underground for a while now. It has been tested, optimized, retested and re-optimized and has been proven to generate cash over and over again.But that’s not the case with this software. This autopilot software is completely legal and like I said has been producing profits underground for a while now!
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